Unipune Master of Business Administration MBA Online Examination March 2015 (2013-2014 pattern) 1st and 2nd year semester 1,2,3,4 Examination Timetable, Schedule, Date
Savitribai Phule Pune University has recently released the timetable of MBA online exam which will be conducted in March 2015 on the official site. The MBA exam date is 23’rd March 2015. The semester I (sem 1) online exam will start from 23/3/2015 and end on 30/3/2015. These are the dates for 1st year MBA students. The semester II (sem 2) online examination will also start from 23’rd March and end on 30’th March 2015. These are the dates for 2nd year MBA students. The only difference between those is time. The Sem 1 exam will start at 10:00 AM and sem 2 exam will start at 3:00 pm.
Click/ Tap Here to Download Pune University Unipune 1st, 2nd year sem 1,2,3,4 MBA Online Exam Timetable 2015
If you are studying in first year and have no experience of previous online exams then first, I suggest you to ask college and come at least half an hour before the actual exam starts. After the end of sem 1 and semester II exams, immediately on the next day semester 4 and 5 exams are starting and like semeseter 1 and 2, sem 3 and 4 papers dates are also clashing. The MBA exams of sem III & IV will start from 31’st March and end on 8’th April 2015. Only the sem 3 online examination will start at 10:00 am and sem 4 online exam will start at 3:00 pm onwards.
Download from official site
Starting from today, the day of writing post there are only 21 days remaining. In case of sem 1 & sem 2 students, you have to study 6 subjects provided you have no backlogs. Hence, start studying from now. Divide your studies. Have the books ready, notes ready. Because its time to rank in University of Pune. Best of luck!!!