Top 7 Tips to Score in Every Exam of Pune University & Others

Dear students & friends, hope you have scored good in your exams in last year and you must have became little more serious about this year. If this is your first year in Pune University, then you must be serious about the studies now.

I request you to follow this main tips which are applicable for Engineering Studies, Bachelor of Art, Commerce, Science, almost every course that you are studying currently that can do well in exams.

  1. No bunking (its OK sometimes 😉 )
    Attending the lectures regularly really helps. You may realize it in the examination. You can explain the answer in the same way your teacher explained the particular concept in the class.
  2. Notice ‘Notice board
    Notice board is made to notice. Sometimes, it may happen that College or your respected University may pre-pone or postpone the exam so, if it happens then college first sticks the notice on the notice board. Hence read the notice board of your college every day.
  3. Don’t Miss Practs
    Now, when it comes to practicals, reading and mugging up from books is not enough. You have to perform the particular tasks in the practical exam which need practice. Hence don’t miss any practical. Even if you do, contact the teachers as soon as possible so that he/ she will take the practical which you missed.
  4. Teacher is not MONSTER :O
    If you are making your own notes, nothing is best like that but make sure that you verify those from the respected faculty. If you don’t make your notes then when college starts, first go to every teacher of every subject. And ask them for notes. If you don’t understand any concept in your class, don’t be afraid of asking to the teacher. Ask them immediately. So that you’ll remember it for very long time.
  5. Game of Give & Take
    Try to keep the handwriting as much good so that the examiner who is checking your paper will understand. Try to make it like printer. But focus on the content first. Then if time persists, decoration comes into the picture. But don’t do it too much. Also, write the answer point wise. So, that it would be easier for the examiner to give the marks. The more you will give your best in the exam, the more marks you’ll get.
  6. All is well. टेंशन कायको लेनेका…
    Don’t give yourself burden just one month before the exam. Start studying from the very first day. If you study regularly from the beginning then it won’t be hard for you at the time of the exam. You are most likely to complete your studies before 1 month of the exam and in remaining days, you can have revision.
  7. Strictly NO DISCUSSION after papers
    Don’t discuss about the paper with your friends till the last one. Because if you discuss about your first exam paper on the same day, then it may negatively affect your performance and confidence in the following papers. If you want to discuss, then discuss after the last paper.

Thanks you for reading Top 7 Tips to Score in Any Exam of Pune University & Others. If you find this helpful, please share this with your friends.

This Awesome Article is Written by Akshay Deshpande. Why don’t you write one at our WRITE Program?

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